Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 33 - First Night As Roomates

Ji Yao knew his father was toying with him and didn\'t intend on changing his mind. Knowing to quit while ahead he stomped out off Ji Wen\'s cabin like a spoilt child who had been denied a trip to Disney land.

Ji Wen watched him stomp away with a delightful smile on his face. He slumped in his chair and rested his crossed legs on the desk with his arm supporting the back of his head. The way this child stormed off reminded him of his ex-wife.

When she got angry she would whip her long hair and storm off the same way as his son. Only the heavens know how hard it was to coax her after that. Even her favourite dishes wouldn\'t do the trick but he thoroughly enjoyed coaxing her because the rewards at the end were extremely gratifying. Caught in the memory he bit his lower lip as the corners of his mouth arched further.

A cold chill suddenly spread across his heart when he recalled how that relationship ended. He stared at the sheathed sword on the desk from the corner of his eye and drank a mouthful of liquor.

That woman blindsided him but at least she still thought of Ji Yao. The problem was getting Ji Yao to accept his mother\'s well thought out gift.

While Ji Wen was trying to figure out a plan to make his son accept the sword, Ji Yao was trying to gather the courage to reenter his own lair.

His peaceful refuge had been taken over by a stranger which was incredibly unsettling but what choice did he have? He looked back at the silent deck with only a few crew members smoking under the moonlight and sighed. He couldn\'t sleep outside so he decided to tough it out and turn the door handle.

As soon as he entered the room his heart sank to the pit of his stomach. His neat cabin was a mess like he had left an unsupervised husky alone in the room. Okay, that was an exaggeration because in Ji Yao\'s eyes it was a mess even though to most people Rui Fei hadn\'t actually done anything.

If it was anyone else they wouldn\'t have noticed something was off because everything looked the same. But Ji Yao could clearly see everything that Rui Fei touched. So what sort of mess did Rui Fei create?

He had moved three of his canvases and left them crooked to the side making Ji Yao\'s eye twitch in displeasure. He had also touched his sable paintbrushes and disturbed the neat arrangement Ji Yao left them in.

Not only that but he also touched his bed pillows and left them crooked as well and now he was touching Ji Yao\'s neat stack of blank papers on the table.

Ji Yao clenched his fists surrounded by a dark aura. The amount of killing intent took Rui Fei by surprise.

This gorgeous immortal that looked like he bathed in coconut milk every night was glaring at him expressing his anger but he couldn\'t figure out what he had done that upset this man so much.

"Yao-ge," he called out trying to resist the urge to poke the hornet\'s nest and test the limits. This was the only thing about him that showed his immaturity. In front of his siblings, he was the commander in chief who barely started shit but in front of Ji Yao, he suddenly had the urge to start fires for no reason.

"I am not your brother," retorted Ji Yao as he fixed the crooked canvases at the corner of the room with meticulous care.

Rui Fei rested his elbow on the Kang table with his hand propping up his head as he replied, "But captain Ji said we are," as he peered at him with great interest.

"He is out of his mind," replied Ji Yao as he straightened the white cloth covering his masterpiece that had been touched by this nosy person, "and don\'t touch my stuff from now on otherwise you will sleep on the main deck."

Ji Yao walked over fixing the pillows along the way before moving back the sable paintbrushes to their rightful place. Rui Fei turned his head and watched Ji Yao who stood beside him fixing the sable paintbrushes and couldn\'t help but smile.

He pointed at them and asked, "Yao-ge, do they have to be arranged in a certain way?" But instead of a response, he was met by a glare so sharp that it almost pierced his heart. Unlike most people who would back off after that stare, Rui Fei seemed more intrigued as he asked, "Which part is Yao-ge mad about? The question or me calling you ge?"

"Both, now get off my cushion," said Ji Yao resisting the urge to shove him. He was the older one and he was forced to act that way though he wanted nothing more than to kick him out. Surprisingly, Rui Fei was extremely obedient standing up with no resistance.

He moved over but didn\'t go that far. He was sitting beside Ji Yao with an expression like that of a little brother watching his older brother playing an online game that he isn\'t allowed to play.

This look disturbed Ji Yao so much that he halted his actions of sitting down and said, "That over there is your corner now go sit there. From now on don\'t go beyond that parameter," he said pointing at the lovely chaise on the other side of the cabin.

Ji Yao sat down and felt the warmth from the other person still lingering on the cushion making him feel some type of way. His first reaction would be to stand up and wait for it to cool down again but he found that he didn\'t hate it so he just remained seated.

"Oh," said Rui Fei as he stood up looking like an obedient child. For a minute Ji Yao naively thought he would listen to him but two minutes later he was proven wrong.

He had already taken out the shadow master pages he had been working on earlier when Rui Fei who had been standing before the bookshelf suddenly turned to look at him and pulled a book halfway out of the neat row leaving it sticking out.

Ji Yao felt his side tingle from Rui Fei\'s stare but tried to ignore it and carried on pretending like he didn\'t see anything. But as soon as Rui Fei moved a step to the side leaving behind the book sticking out of the neat row, he couldn\'t pretend anymore.

Rui Fei faced the bookshelf again as he said, "Yao-ge has so many books. Have you read them all?" pulling out another book before leaving it halfway.

Ji Yao felt a smouldering wave of pure unrefined rage build up from his chest before spreading to the rest of his body.. He put down the brush in its rightful place and asked, "Didn\'t you read the rules in the handbook? If you want to keep staying in this cabin you should follow each and every one of them."

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