Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 147 - 147 - Entering The G City

The car drove slowly to the barricaded road. Hundreds of fully armed military men stood guard with guns ready.

As soon as they approached close, one of them walked close busily adjusting his gun strap. "Please go back. This place is barricaded until further notice,"

Yue rolled down the window.

The Soldier looked up. As soon as he saw him, his mouth dropped open.


The soldier stood there stocked still.

Tian leaned over and snapped her fingers. "Hey take the order slip,"

The young soldier snapped out of it but as he looked at Tian, he became stunned once again.

"What the hell... take the darn note!" she plucked it from Yue\'s hand and waved it to the soldier\'s face. "Don\'t make me repeat myself, take it or I will pluck your eyes out,"

Blinking, the man stood there gaping at them both.

Seeing this spectacular scene, Hary lowered his window and put his head out. "Yo dude, if you don\'t take that note, that girl WILL shoot. And take your eyes off of them or I will shoot." He placed a gun on his head.

"Y-yes sir..." Trembling, the soldier took the note and read it. "Permission slip..." he glanced up at them. "When will you return? It does not specify that,"

"You don\'t need to know. Just open the darn barricade," Tian grumbled and rolled Yue\'s window up.

The guard ran and conveyed the order to the others.

The huge tanker truck that was blocking the road was moved, paving a way for them.

Tian drove the car swiftly out but she could not speed up as the outside was filled with at least a few hundred humans. They seem to be waiting to enter the settlement.

"Hary the bedsheets,"

"Yep," Hary created a makeshift curtain using the bed sheets they brought from home. "You\'re like a mother cougar,"

Tian snapped her head back, glaring at him. "I\'m not in the mood for jokes,"

"Why?" he playfully poked her twitching nostrils.

She did not bother answering, driving away into the empty rural roads she kept mumbling to herself.

"Come on, tell me what\'s bothering you," Hary tugged at her long hair.

"I can\'t believe it. That guy thought I was playing!" she slammed the wheel.

Yue nodded at her statement. "Same, he did not even flinch when I was glaring at him so obviously." When he was taking to that him he did not even bother to reply. Even when Tian threatened him, he just kept gaping at them.

"Right, does he think we are some.. some joke," Tian growled.

Hary chuckled loudly, stopped them mid conversation.

Both slowly turned their heads glared back at him.

"Something funny?"

"No, it\'s just without your guns and swords. You both look like angry kittens. Who doesn\'t like kittens?"

Yue and Tian obviously did not like the joke. They collectively refused to talk to him.

"Oh, come on, don\'t give me the silent treatment," he tapped Tian\'s shoulders.

She slapped his hands away forcefully.

"Ow, Yue, she is bullying me," he hugged Yue from behind. "See, my beautiful palm is all red," he showed him his palm.

Yue caressed his red skin. "I ought to slap you too, but I take pity on you,"

"Meanie, both of you are so mean to me," he leaned forward laying his head on Yue\'s shoulders. "But Tian is too cold to me. Yue, you should not learn that from her,"

"I am cold to you too." Yue pushed his head away softly. "go do your job,"

Sighing loudly, Hary scooted into the back seat and took out the loaded machine gun. He lowered his side windows a bit, placing the gun\'s barrel outside. He took aim and shot as many zombies as he could.

There were only a few Zombies lingering near the settlement because it was a rural side. Many were cleared by the army. Some still migrated from the city over here.

"Stop wasting bullets," Tian slapped his thighs.

"Yes ma\'am, so demanding," he pulled his gun in and laid on the back seat tiredly. "Wake me when those crawlers get close,"

Yue glanced back with a blank look. "You are really going to sleep?"


"Fine, get up in half an hour. We will be entering the outskirts of the city in a while."

"Done." Hary set a timer on his watch and closed his eyes.

Tian smirked softly viewing this through the read view mirror. "You take a nap as well. I\'ll wake you soon,"

"No, I\'ll give you company,"

Yue lowered his widows and laid on the edge watching the scenery outside. Much to his dismay, the once green fields were all dried up without anyone tending to them.

The crops most likely were all wilted away from lack of water supply.

Slowly, their car drove until the fields were behind them.

A huge wilted tree stood at the edge of the dried fields, marking the beginning of the road to the city.

The sandy roads changed into black tar roads with no bumps.

Seeing this, Yue sat up alertly. He took out the gun from under his seat.

"You see anything?" he glanced at Tian.

She just shook her head. "Wake that bozo up. We might have company soon,"

"I\'m awake." Hary whispered with an unexpectedly serious look on his face. He was checking the bullet magazine and safety of the guns as he smoked an e-cigar. "Locked and loaded."

Just then, a single female zombie jumped into their path with its mouth agape. Blood dripped down everywhere it went, leaving behind a bloody trail. A part of its face was missing and so was one of its arms. It kept flaying and grinding its teeth.

"Run it over," Yue coldly whispered, wearing his seat belt.

Tian did not even hesitate. She slammed the accelerator and slammed into the zombie. Unlike the zombies they met before, it did not turn into goo. This zombie stayed intact even after being ht. it was clawing its way up the hood.

Hary held his gun up, ready to shoot, but Yue stopped him.

"It will damage the windshield. I\'ll deal with it." Yue lowered his windows and leaned out until half of his body was hanging out. He took his sword out and simply slashed the thing.

One swing and the zombie became headless. Its lifeless body slumped down under their car.

"Come in here," Tian yanked him in by his pants. "More are coming our way. Close your windows and take your gun,"

Yue did as she said. He placed the loaded gun\'s barrel out the window just as Hary did and started to shoot anything that came close. The ones which were in the front of the car were run over.

Yue covered the right of their car while Hary covered the left, shooting everything with accurate shots.

But his aim was not that stellar. He missed a few times, but he was able to get the hang of it.

"Your marksmanship is very good." Tian whispered softly.

"Thanks." Yue could not control that grin anymore. Like a silly person, he smirked as he shot the zombies getting close by. "Which road are we taking?"

"The one we came through?"

"Hmm, but that lead to Y city. We have to take a right on the highway up ahead to enter G city. Hary, can you cover the left for a while," he said, shuffling through his bags\' contents.

"No problem," Hary placed another gun into the gap of the right window and shot with both his hands.

Zou Yue looked at this with revered admiration. "Darn, that was so cool,"

"Can\'t do it for long. My shoulder\'s cramping,"

"Oh sorry," Yue pulled out a map that he had printed out long back from his bag\'s numerous pockets. "After that right turn you must take two consecutive lefts to reach the \'G city general hospital and research centre\',"

Seeing that his sister understood the route, he placed the map back in his bag safely and took charge of protecting their right side.

The zombies on the outskirts were minimum. There don\'t seem to have any ability either.

It was easy to just shoot them down, but as they got closer to the main roads, things got a bit complicated.

The highway lane they were driving in was one way so it was complexly empty, but on the parallel lane leaving the city was crowded with so many vehicles that were jam packed.

Yue lowered the windows and looked out in a slight frown.

"Looks like we might have to take a different route when we are returning," Yue marked this route as a no go for their return journey.

"Watch out," Tian shouted all of a sudden and pulled Yue away from the windows.

A zombie had snuck close somehow and was clawing its way into the car.

Yue leaned onto his sister\'s side and simply kicked its head with his thick leather boots.

The zombie\'s skull cracked, and its brain matter splattered everywhere in the car.

"EW, oh my god that reeks!" Hary mumbled, pushing the zombie out.

"Sorry...." Yue nervously glanced at his sister.

"No worries. Put a clean newspaper or something before sitting there," she gestured for Hary to hand him some. "As for the smell, we have to get used to it..."

Yue softly smiled. "Thanks..." he took the newspaper Hary handed to him and placed it over the blood splatter. He swiftly rolled his windows up.

Tian smiled at him and nodded.

Their car rode so freely on the empty highway into the city.

"We are the only ones stupid enough to travel into a zombie infested city," Hary mumbled anxiously biting into his cigar.

Yue tightly clenched the sword tied to his belt. "This is for the future of the settlement,"

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