Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 315 315 - The Wedding

"Okay... is that liwei\'s dog?" he mumbled, looking at the puppy\'s face. it was unrecognizable, but he still remembered the scars. He had seen this puppy hiding away in Liwei\'s house while he was fighting him.

"It\'s Liwei\'s dog?" Yue said with an angry sigh. "Why didn\'t you guys find him a home beforehand?"

"Yue we don\'t have time to spend on a dog. we had more pressing matters back then. Besides this puppy ran away right after Liwei\'s death. Even Peng Peng went and searched for him," sighing Fan sat down next to him. "Don\'t be angry with me, please,"

"No I\'m not angry.... I\'m just... I don\'t know what I\'m feeling. I feel sad seeing this poor creature," he took Fan\'s hand and gently placed it over the puppy\'s ribs. "can you feel it? The puppy barely has any flesh on him. He had been starved for so long.... I just don\'t feel so good..."

Fan Xui gently caressed the puppy\'s head. "It\'s good now. He has a family. We\'ll take care of him,"\'

"of course, we will. Tomorrow I\'ll take him out for a walk and let Coco meet the others. I hope blackie Trexa and Bakbak won\'t bully him. Those girls really like being dominating."

Fan Xui pulled him close for a hug. "That\'s for sure,"

"Dad," Zi Chen ran out in his towel. "I thought you were going to help bathe me..."

"Oh sorry I was feeding Coco," he went to him. His son had already taken a bath and his hair was wet. He helped dry it with a clean towel. "Fan can you dry his hair."

"Sure, come here to daddy," Fan pulled Zi Chen close and helped him dress.

Yue took a bath and changed into new clothes.

"What are we having for...." the whole room was decorated with wildflower petals. Even the bed. "oh my my... what is this... wait what is the special occasion…. did I forget something…."

They were living in an apocalypse he barely had time to remember the date and day. But Fan would feel really bad if he forgot an important date or something.

He heard a small giggle out of the room. Zi Chen was obviously laughing in glee.

Yue felt his heartbeat rise at this. He felt a small sense of anticipation at this.

"Fan what is this?"

Just out of the room he saw Fan kneeling to the ground with a ring in his hand. "w-what..."

"Yue.. will you marry me?"

"ah y-yes.. yes! I will.." Yue hugged him tightly. "Why all of a sudden?"

It had been two years since they had Zi Chen and all along Fan hadn\'t popped the question. Yue also did not bother to ask him why. Previously he made a promise to his dad that he would only marry at twenty-five. He was just twenty-two now he and was planning on proposing to Fan himself in three years.

Who knew this guy would beat him to it,"

"I have been planning it for a long time. Why do you think I left home early these days? I\'ve been going over to your parent\'s place, and I was doing my best to impress your dad for years. It took two years of begging for him to agree to this marriage and it took five days to convince Tian."

"Aw you worked so hard..." Yue gently kissed his forehead.

Fan Xui gently kissed his cheeks. "no, it was not hard at all. I loved every second of it. Your family loves you so much that they were so reluctant. To be honest, if I was your dad I would not have given permission for marriage either,"

Yue chuckled softly. "I see in the future our Zi Chen\'s lover is going have a lot of trouble convincing his daddy,"

"Yes he is," he gestured for Zi Chen to come close.

The little kid jumped onto them. "You both are getting married? yeah~~"

Yue pulled him into the family hug. Even coco walked close and nudged his head on them.

"You can join too." Yue hugged them all. "I\'m so glad that god gave me another chance to meet you guys. I have been blessed,"

"so have we..." Fan hugged him tightly.

For a long time they just hugged and sat there on the floor.

No one knows who broke the hug, but they all ended up on the bed eating skittles. Little Zi Chen was making it his mission to toss the candy in his mouth without fail.

With his uncoordinated hands, the candy mostly ended up on the ground.

"Don\'t waste any baby," Yue chided him softly.

"Dad Coco needs candy too. I\'m feeding him," he gave a sly reason and continued doing that.

"Sweets are not good for the puppy. It will give him worms,"

That day went on to be one of the best days. Evening his whole family came over. tian brought an arch. It was made up of thick vines and small yellow flowers stuck to it. the branches looked like it came from the pea plant from their family home and the flowers were most likely grown by his dad.

"What is this for?"

"Your wedding, silly." Juda giggled placing it by the door. "You can\'t just get married without a wedding arch?"

Yue smiled softly. "Thank you…"

"Oh enough. You\'re my brother-in-law now," she whispered whilst hugging him.

Yue glanced at his parents. His mum was silently crying and his dad too looked like he was holding back tears.

"mum.. dad…"

"Come here," he held out his arms.

Yue hugged him tightly.

"I hope you will be happy all your life my Yue. You and you\'re sister are the best gifts I\'ve got in my life. And I wish nothing but happiness for you," he whispered silently sobbing into his shoulders.

Yue could not hold back his tears either. He sniffled softly. "I love you so much dad… mum I love you guys… it\'s a good thing I\'m married to your neighbor right…" he mumbled chuckling softly. "I get to visit you guys often. I get to stay over whenever I want…"

"Of course, if that Fan gives you any trouble let me know. I\'ll make peachy hang him upside down," his dad mumbled, wiping away his tears. "My precious Yue deserves nothing but happiness."

Juda set up the arch. "Come on guys as we practiced. positions everyone. oh, bride, your clothes are in your room. Your groom is getting ready in the kitchen,"

Yue poked his head towards the kitchen. he could vaguely make out Fan\'s back as he was wearing a black tux.

"Ah huh! No peaking at the groom before the wedding. Go on now. I\'ll help you get changed," Lui cheerfully dragged him to his room.

She pulled out a white tuxedo from their closet.

"When did Fan have the time to prepare all these?"

"We have been secretly planning this for days now. if you had said no, it would have been a bummer,"

"Why would I say no," Yue whispered wearing the white shirt.

"Who knows, cold feet,"\'

"I don\'t get cold feet." Yue gently patted his chest. ... "im.. im just so happy.. I don\'t know what to do/.. I feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest… its beating so fast,"

lui held his wrist. "well you\'re not having a heart attack,"\'

he gave her a look.

"I\'m joking." she took out stark white shoes from under the bed and gestured for him to step in.

Yue hurriedly did. She held him wear it. "it fits,"

"Yes Cinderella we had it custom-made. They don\'t have these in your size but we did have a shoemaker," she got up and raked a finger through his shirt two-inch hair. "You must have grown out your hair again. It looked good,"

Yue ran to the mirror. His white tuxedo looked amazing and fit so well around his shoulders and waist. \'did Fan take my measurements when I was asleep… gosh it looks so good\' he turned over and looked at himself in all directions. He looked dashingly handsome.

His hair was slightly pulled back away from his face. Insecurely he touched his short hair. "It\'s summer so I cut it. is it bad?"

"Nope still look cute like a button," she applied some pomade. "Now you are all ready." she went to the door. "Is the groom ready?! The bride is done,"

"Why am I the bride?"

"Okay… the second groom is ready," she corrected herself.

"Now that just sounds wrong," Yue pouted.

"What do you want me to call you…." she gave him a look.

"Bride sounds good,"

His sister poked her head in the room. "The groom is ready," she glanced at him with a smirk. "Dad and I will walk you down the aisle,"

Chuckling Yue held out his hand. His dad and Tian came in and stood on either side.



They walked out. Fan Xui was waiting by the arch smiling at his mother. When he heard the sound of the door opening he glanced back.

Yue met his eyes. All he saw was happiness and love. This was what he had wanted all along. His love was what he had wanted in his last life.

Unknown to him, tears started to roll down.

Fan Xui smiled softly. "Come here dear."

Yue walked up to him and his dad handed him over to him. "don\'t you dare hurt my son,"

"I won\'t father. I will love him with everything I\'ve got," Fan whispered softly.

Yue chuckled through the tears.

They did not have any a marriage officiant. But they just exchanged vows.

Little Zi Chen walked up behind them with their rings. He had the most radiant grin on his face even his small chubby cheeks had turned pink from all the smirking.

Yue gently pinched his cheeks and picked up Fan\'s ring.

Taking a deep breath he held hsi lover\'s hand.

"I, Zou Yue, take thee, Fan Xui to be my wedded husband, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part," Yue said through his tears. He just felt so overwhelmed at this point.

With trembling hands, he slipped the ring into Fan\'s finger. The ring looked very beautiful on is fingers.

Fan xi gently cupped his face. "I, Fan Xui, take you, Zou Yue  to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish. I love you with all of my heart and I will protect you with all my of my life."

He slipped on the small diamond ring on his gloved fingers. It was very simple looking, and had a single diamond in it.

Yue chuckled, wiping his eyes. "We\'re married,"

They had the most amazing dinner afterward. Little Zi Chen and coco and all the others joined in. blackie Trexa and Bakbak hung around the corner while coco was sniffing them. They did not even bother to look at his way.

The poor puppy was dejected and sat down next to Trexa.

Zi Chen jumped around shouting that his dads were married…

The house was filled with laughter and glee.

Fan Xui sneakily sent Zi Chen to stay with his parents.

"Are you ready to embrace your darling husband," he hugged him tightly.

Yue shyly looked up at him. "Yes my h-husband,"

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